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    Are you know about the ability of animals and birds to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future? Blue tits had the prevision. Let's check it out. Masyanya will sometimes place their projections on any topic.

     Film №2 «Masyanya Sinitsyn is great predictor»



    Election of the President of Russia will be in two years. Masyanya and Kuzya makes politically thoughtful forecast for 2018. This process is not simple. He proves freedom of opinions in Russia. Even the small birds are not afraid of power.


                            March 2016


        Look here ...




    Sergey Berige carefully studying the menu Masyanya predictions. You will be able to see the most interesting of them.

Address to world rulers from our little friends

             Great rulers, please, have friendly attitude towards to Russia and our President.


      You sumptuously manage your wonderful countries. You work a lot for the world and you earn the right to have happiness and smile. If you wish to meet with us are welcome to Moscow. Now some information for you.


Dear Frau Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel! You're a very charming woman. It's true. Germany's difficulties are temporary, but memory about your immortal glory will be eternal.

* On 2017 year candle lights, but not the fire is cool. Visit Vienna will gain, when you had loneliness.


     President of the USA, dear Mr. Barack Obama! God gave you many intellectual faculties, but you have received the presidential power in not the best of times for America and the planet. Your mercy is often mistaken interpreted as soft and indecision. It is not so! You are a politician who has a firm character, but knows when to stop, and magnificently anticipate the future. * On 2018 year, you shall to have warm waves through the young woman out of your inner circle of people environment.


     Prime Minister of France, dear Mr. François Hollande! We are delighted as you are able to connect the unconnected, without their mutual destruction.

* Protect the heart. I am not only your health. Strike is on, it will not be a knife. The event will happen in a year when you will lose sleep.


     Prime Minister of Italy, dear Mr. Matteo Renzi! We do not always understand your policy, but we wish the prosperity of the Italian people.

* Volcanic eruption brings lava, sea lava sweep away a large building with a tilted roof (2020).

** You look out, but the door itself opens. Do not cross the threshold before the cabinet will be not move. It will be a light month.


     Prime Minister of Great Britain, dear Mr. David Cameron. Chill your eyes melts from the wisdom of your words. Good luck to you!

* Beware the fourth drop of black rain. It will not happen in 2017.


Yours sincerely votary.

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